Tuesday, February 8, 2011


With you I am,  From time immemorial !
as one amongst you,  one of you.
Fearless I am,  even death dared to touch me !
My face never changed,  and never aged.!

Can't you recognise me ?
I am the ONE who killed Abel !

I live amongst you from time immemorial,
Can't you recognise me ?,
I am the one who poisoned  Socrates !
My face never Changed,  and never aged !
Only my Costume changes, and  Insignias,
no dearth of costumes in my cupboards.

Can't you recognise me ? in different costumes,
in fanatics, around the world,
stamping my foot in contempt,
waging war,  killing,  maiming,  raping,
pulling down Gods houses,
in the name of  religion,  Ideology,  races------
My face never changed and  never aged !
I live amongst you,
But you scare to identify me,
for fear of becoming my next victim.!
You  Coward..!

You seen me as Chief  Priest,
all dolled up with appropriate  Insignias
to suit different times ,
making human sacrifices,
eating their flesh & drinking blood,
so the God will be appeased.
sacrificing virgins and children,
offering live beating hearts at the Altar,
so the most high will be pleased !
persecuting Gods messengers,
crucifying Jesus accusing blasphemy !
burning old Ladies & widows as Witches,
taking their properties,
leading Crusades,
leaving millions dead,widowed & Orphans,
burning Libraries,
massacring  free thinkers and learned, as Heretics,
killing thinkers to kill thinking,
 frying them alive at stakes,
selling Indulgences for money,
inventing  Inquisition,
and perfecting torture as a  fine art.
Poor Galileo, just escaped through my finger tips !
Cant you recognise me  ?
my face never changed and aged,
scared to identify me,
you  Coward !

It was me who pulled trigger at
Mahatma Gandhi and  Martin Luther King,
seen me in your midst as  Human Traffickers
 Slave Traders, politician---
and in the costume of  Aryan hero
incinerating millions of Jews,
no body knows what for !
I am living amongst you,
My face never changed and aged,
you scare to identify me,
you Coward !

Happy to hear that Jesus coming again !
sharpened my weapons,
made decorative Cross,
to Crucify him again accusing blasphemy !
What a contradiction to kill God
accusing Blasphemy !

My face never changed & aged,
scare to identify me,
you Coward !
for fear of you victimised !
When are you going to stand up,
you Coward !
Putting the tail in between your legs,
hiding in your kennels,
A dog, even scare to bark !

Fearlessness, Courage, and daring,
that is in me as evidently in any fanatics.
even dare enough to challenge most supreme !
How dare I am !
Take me as your Roll Model for Courage,
stand up against me, make a challenge,
let me have an enemy with an equal courage,
to play games.
Dog! not even barking ,
You Coward !

John P.K


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